✹ introducing: the complete constellation system series


after a lot of deliberation about the Constellation System and the different forms it has taken and could take, i’m really happy to announce that the Complete Constellation System is coming to patreon 🥳

for about two years now, i’ve been creating and sharing a monthly piece of content for the Periodical, including scattered pieces and sneak peeks of the Constellation System.

now, the Periodical is going to be the dedicated home for the entire and complete Constellation System, delivered in monthly installments.

i’m super excited about this decision, and i hope you are too!

a recap, and what’s changed

i’ve explored several different formats and ways of sharing the Constellation System at this point. it began with sharing small details in my youtube videos. then i cherry picked particular ideas to share in the Periodical. after that i started working on the Constellation deck and a companion guidebook for it, and eventually i collated everything i had up until that point into my live course, Constellation Clarity.

as i was figuring out some big changes in my work life, the Constellation Deck went on hiatus for several months and so did Constellation Clarity. since then, i’ve been mulling over what i want to do with the system while i continue to iterate and build on it.

then i came across a new idea that sparked a major evolution for the design of the Deck, and things started slotting into place and becoming clear.

i realised that while the superstructure, or underlying conceptual framework, of the Constellation System remained the same, there are lots of different ways to implement it. the Dashboard tool i taught in Constellation Clarity was one way to implement it in a journal or planner. the new version of the Constellation Deck is another way, and there are others: like using a digital calendar app, or Notion.

it feels silly that it took me this long to realise it, but i think all this time i’ve been trying to find the One True System that will work for everyone instead of sharing the thinking behind my system design and giving you a selection of tools to choose from and customise.

and so that’s what i’m going to be doing, right here in the Periodical.

what the Complete Constellation System Series will look like

i have a LOT of material to share in this series! 🥰 each month i’ll be publishing another part of the Constellation System inside the Periodical, until i’ve rolled out everything this way. i’m planning for most of it to be in video format, but if another format makes sense for a particular section i won’t limit myself.

i have a pretty detailed series outline, but i won’t share the complete breakdown here because i want to keep the flexibility to improve things along the way.

so, in lieu of that, here are the broad strokes of what i’m planning to include in this series…

{overview} The Complete Constellation System

  1. the Constellation Framework

    first, we’ll look at the tool-neutral conceptual framework of the Constellation System, the domains and cultivators, how they work. even if you never use my way of implementing things, you can get something out of this and adapt it for yourself. (this will include deeper dives on each of the four cultivators, so there will be new material even for those who have done Constellation Clarity.)

  2. the Systems & Tools

    next, we’ll look at the different practical tools for implementing the framework above. the core tools we’ll explore in detail will be the Dashboard (a journal-based system, which i taught in Constellation Clarity) and the Deck (the card deck system, which has evolved drastically and has never been shared fully anywhere). there’s also scope to expand this section in future to explore other tools like Notion, calendar apps etc.

  3. the Principles of System Design

    after a tour of my systems, we’ll dive deeper into the psychology and foundational principles of organising so you can design your own effective systems from scratch.

  4. Customisations

    finally, we’ll branch out and explore a smorgasbord of ways to tailor all of this to your unique needs and lifestyle. this will be a place where you can see what useful tweaks other people have made to their systems, and share your own.

why i’ve chosen this home for the Constellation System

alright, so that’s the plan!

i want to explain a little why i’ve made this decision, but if you’re not worried about that feel free to skip to the next section.

i’ve known for a long time that i stumbled onto something really useful with the Constellation System, but i’ve also struggled with what format it should take and how best to share this material. should it be a course? a traditionally published book? something else? how do i share this material in a way that is the most accessible for the most people, while also getting paid for my work so i’m able to dedicate the time to creating it?

with the Periodical, i feel like i’ve finally landed on the right home for the Constellation System, that strikes the right balance of all of the above.

my hope is that this is a win-win for all of us: you get this material at a more affordable rate RIGHT NOW (without having to wait months or years for a big course launch or book publication) and i’m able to pay my bills AS i create this, not only AFTER it’s all done.

and i love that with this format, i’ll be able to add extra material as i have new tools or ideas in the future.


  • essentially, this is a significant expansion of Constellation Clarity. as you’ll see, we cover some of the same material, but with expanded deep dives on each of the cultivators, an entire alternative implementation system to the Dashboard (the Deck) and with further content on system design and customisation. this series is intended to replace the live Constellation Clarity course and expand on it.

  • the price of the Periodical tier on patreon ($9 a month at time of writing). for as long as you are on this tier, you’ll have access to all the installments of the series that i have published up until that point. you can of course cancel your pledge or rejoin the tier whenever you like.

  • if you have questions i’ll answer them in the form of a comment or if i have a lot to say, i'll record a quick and dirty video. i’ll also include answers to previously asked questions in the material. AND of course we have the Cinn City discord as a place for general discussion and sharing.

  • my idea of what the Deck will be has changed a lot recently. as of time of writing, my plan is to cover how to create your own DIY deck when we reach the Deck module of the series. if after that there is still interest in a commercially pre-printed deck, i’ll consider creating it as a product. essentially - you’ll see when we get to that part of the series!

  • i expect most Periodicals from this point will be part of this series until the series is complete, and then it will be back to individual topics or new series.

    i’m not ruling out making standalone Periodicals on other topics sometimes while the Constellation System Series is still in progress.

okay, that should be everything for now 🥰 i can’t wait to get started!

just leave a comment on the Patreon post if you have any questions :)